
So Week two of my insanity is out of the way. This week was hard for me. I really didn’t want to get up and do what I needed to do. However, I put my big girl pants on and went for it. 

The hardest part of losing weight or getting fit is Motivation. Everyone blames on the lack of motivation for why they can’t do it…. Motivation is a jerk. It will never stay by your side. Determination will. When I have no motivation, I just look at why I am trying to lose weight and getting fit. What would make me more happy: My excuses or My reasons?
It gets frustrating when my progress is so slow but I know by next month I will wish I would have started when I first thought about it. 
My health is way more important just wanting to sit on the couch and eat pizza. My future with my husband is more important then eating everything I want. 

A few of you know this; my one year anniversary is on Friday. My husband is one of the biggest reasons I have been trying so hard to get fit. I want to have another 60 years with my husband. The only way I can do that is by being as healthy as I can be and helping him be as healthy as he can be. Plus I want him to have some arm candy 😉

No matter what your reasons are for getting healthy or losing weight, you have to keep them in mind because you won’t always have motivation to work out and eat right. 

Until next Sunday; Don’t give up!



One thought on “Motivation

  1. Such a great message today. You’re right, it isn’t just about yourself. The future is the finish line, so to speak. I wish that I liked working out. Motivation to be healthier, is the only thing that keeps me from being a couch potato.

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